The Last Prophet of God i.e. Muhammad (May peace and blessings be upon him)

This blog is dedicated to the last Prophet of God i.e. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the greatest man that has ever lived on this planet, God Almighty testifies to it, the Jew testifies, the Christian testifies it and the Hindu testifies it too, as we shall shortly be seeing. He is also prophesied in the various world religious scriptures. He prophesied many things 1400 years ago which today have come True. All these evidences prove that he is indeed a True Prophet of God and a mercy to the whole of human kind. Accept him and his teachings and be benefitted

"We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not." (Quran 34:28)

The Quran says

If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).(Quran 3:85)

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Note : Only those articles which are with my name are penned by me.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadan Fiqh Issues



Visit this beautiful website on Ramadan

The fatwas below are taken from the website which is run under the supervision of Sheikh Salman Oudha

Mistakes to avoid in the month of Ramadan

Fasting is a shield ‘lets keep our cool’

The fasting person has two occasions of joy

Excused fasts and making up of fasts

Question: Making up missed fasts from one's post-pubescent youth

Question: Missed fasts must be made up before the following Ramadan

Question: Ruling for pregnant or breastfeeding woman who breaks her fast

Question: Uncertainty about the number of days missed

Question: Expiation for engaging in sex during the day in Ramadan

Question: Person who cannot fast due to chronic medical condition

Question: The types of illness that permit a person to break the Ramadan fast

Question: Breaking the Ramadan fast for a traveler & for one intending travel

Question: Travel that permits a person to refrain from fasting in Ramadan

Question: Making up the fasts of `Âshûrâ’ & `Arafah

Question: Person dies before recovery & making up fasts

Question: Nursing mother wants to feed the poor rather than fast in Ramadan

Rulings on Fasting

Question: Non-nutritive injections

Question: Use of inhaler during fast

Question: Fasting person swallowing phlegm or mucous

Question: Masturbation & fasting

Question: Anesthesia & fasting

Question: Using toothpaste while fasting

Question: Eating forgetfully or mistakenly while fasting

Question: Sleeping during the fast

Question: Hastening to break one’s fast at Sunset

Question: Breaking the fast in the mosque before the adhan is called


Question: Following the people in the country where you live for the start of Ramadan & `îd

Question: Saying 'Ramadan mubarak'

Question: Evidence to support a local sighting for the start of Ramadan

Question: We prepare the predawn meal – Do we get the reward of those who pray?

Zakah Al Fitr

Question: Quantity of food given as Zakâh al-Fitr

Question: Paying Zakâh al-Fitr in cash

The Prophet (pbuh) obliged the payment of Zakah Al Fitr

Voluntary Fasts

Question: The six days of Shawwâl

Question: Fasting 1 of the 3 days in the middle of the month

Question: Fasting after the 15th of Sha`bân
Question: Recommended voluntary fasts

Question: Obligation of fasting six days in Shawwâl

Question: Fasting on the day of `Âshûrâ' by itself

Question: Observing a recommended fast on Friday

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