Ramadan Fiqh Issues
Visit this beautiful website on Ramadan http://www.ramadanreminders.com
The fatwas below are taken from the website http://www.islamtoday.com which is run under the supervision of Sheikh Salman Oudha
Mistakes to avoid in the month of Ramadan
Fasting is a shield ‘lets keep our cool’
The fasting person has two occasions of joy
Excused fasts and making up of fasts
Question: Making up missed fasts from one's post-pubescent youth
Question: Missed fasts must be made up before the following Ramadan
Question: Ruling for pregnant or breastfeeding woman who breaks her fast
Question: Uncertainty about the number of days missed
Question: Expiation for engaging in sex during the day in Ramadan
Question: Person who cannot fast due to chronic medical condition
Question: The types of illness that permit a person to break the Ramadan fast
Question: Breaking the Ramadan fast for a traveler & for one intending travel
Question: Travel that permits a person to refrain from fasting in Ramadan
Question: Making up the fasts of `Âshûrâ’ & `Arafah
Question: Person dies before recovery & making up fasts
Question: Nursing mother wants to feed the poor rather than fast in Ramadan
Rulings on Fasting
Question: Non-nutritive injections
Question: Use of inhaler during fast
Question: Fasting person swallowing phlegm or mucous
Question: Masturbation & fasting
Question: Anesthesia & fasting
Question: Using toothpaste while fasting
Question: Eating forgetfully or mistakenly while fasting
Question: Sleeping during the fast
Question: Hastening to break one’s fast at Sunset
Question: Breaking the fast in the mosque before the adhan is called
Question: Following the people in the country where you live for the start of Ramadan & `îd
Question: Saying 'Ramadan mubarak'
Question: Evidence to support a local sighting for the start of Ramadan
Question: We prepare the predawn meal – Do we get the reward of those who pray?
Zakah Al Fitr
Question: Quantity of food given as Zakâh al-Fitr
Question: Paying Zakâh al-Fitr in cash
The Prophet (pbuh) obliged the payment of Zakah Al Fitr
Voluntary Fasts
Question: The six days of Shawwâl
Question: Fasting 1 of the 3 days in the middle of the month
Question: Fasting after the 15th of Sha`bân
Question: Recommended voluntary fasts
Question: Obligation of fasting six days in Shawwâl
Question: Fasting on the day of `Âshûrâ' by itself
Question: Observing a recommended fast on Friday